Başaksehir-Kayaşehir Metro Line, which consists of 5 stations with a length of 6.20 km, is a continuation of the Kirazlı-Başakşehir-Olimpiyatköy Metro Line. Soner Temel Mühendislik has undertaken excavation and support works at 3 points in the project. A total of 820 meters of tunnel, 515 meters of which is platform tunnel, was opened at Kayaşehir 15th Bölge Station, and 490 meters of main track tunnel was opened in M03 Portal structure. In Kayaşehir Merkez Station, where tunnel excavation and support works are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2022 and where a total of 990 meters of tunnel has been opened, 395 meters of T-type tunnel with an average of 180 m² full section excavation area was opened by working at 5 different shafts, forward and backward, at a total of 10 points. Tunnel excavation support works continue in the connection and pedestrian stair tunnels designed to provide access to the T tunnels where passengers will get on/off the subway from the ticket hall floor, and in the B7 type tail track tunnel following the T tunnels. In the works within the scope of Soner Temel Mühendislik, which started to be excavated in May 2020, a total of 251,000 m³ of excavation and 660,000 meters of drilling, the majority of which were Umbrella Arch and Soil Nail, were made and 2,320 meters of tunnels were opened.