Temel Mühendislik İnşaat ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (STM) is among the leading Tunneling
and Infrastructure contractors in Turkey. As of its establishment in 2000, STM
offers creative solutions with its strong technical team and expert on-site
personnel through following new technological improvements closely. As a result
of this, good relations are developed within the sector. It adds value to its
brand with the high performance of work and qualified applications. This
differentiates STM from its competitors and takes it to a preferred position. Its
loyalty to ethic values, quality oriented philosophy, and the importance given
to the environment, occupational health & safety form the road map of STM.
STM has proved its experience
particularly in the field of tunneling and infrastructure projects and through
realizing the first “Umbrella Arch Method” in Turkey; it is a construction
company that contributed in the tunneling industry in Turkey.
Lines of business:
- Tunneling (Metro, Highway, Energy, Irrıgation, Wastewater Tunnels and Shafts)
- Soil improvement and ground stability (Diaphragm wall, Bored File, Micro-piling, Anchorage, Soil Nail, Grouting)
- Mine development galleries and ore extraction.
- Construction of metro stations
- Deep excavation and shoring works